Wednesday, May 27, 2009

To Have And To Prosecute?

Yesterday was Memorial Day, the day Americans honour the men and women, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers that fight for the very rights that Americans hold dear. Those rights for most of us include the right to speak their minds freely, the right to go wherever they, to marry whom ever they want.
Oh yeah….wait a minute….I did say for many of us. There is still one segment of the population for whom that last item isn't a right! This item is a religious debate topic or a political hot button. Yes folks, I am talking about gay marriage! I just don't understand the hoopla, I don't.
As a human, I don't understand the need to make love difficult for anyone. There is so little of love in the world lately shouldn't we be celebrating love, not condemning it? Why should love of any variety be looked down upon because you don't agree with it or understand where it is coming from? Inter racial or same sex, love is love and should be embraced not shoved to a dark corner to be ignored or in states like California, outlawed! California! One of the most liberal states in the nation let religious groups from all over the land come in and spend money to scare our citizens into believing being gay can be taught or maybe even caught like a virus. That's right, Latter Day Saints, play the fear card!
As a Christian, I have a core set of beliefs. I believe some things are wrong in the eyes of God but I also believe that is between the person perpetrating the sin and their God! I don't believe in stepping in be it with my opinion, my bible or my laws to tell someone else how to behave. I don't condemn the alcoholics, the over spenders, the f-bomb droppers or the trampy socialites! ALL sins by the way! If we are going to use the bible as the argument to outlaw gay marriage, what about those that use G-damn? Taking the Lords name in vain is a sin in the bible, yet is it illegal in California? Not hardly! Sure, hide behind the "protect marriage" crap all you want! I won't believe it until adultery and divorce is punishable by law!  
On the same day that our first black president nominated our first Hispanic to the Supreme Court, California's highest court upheld the ban on same sex marriage. It's a shame that as a country we take two steps forward to equality for all only to take a giant step back when it comes to gay marriage. I hope that will change in my lifetime.
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