Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dear Miss California

Dear Miss Ca,

Bravo on your Oscar worthy performance yesterday at the "press conference"( or as those of us who know better call it, the "staged media event"). Tears...invoking the military...standing behind the Constitution...I am surprised you left the red, white and blue bikini at home! Didn't master manipulator Donald Trump tell you to bring it?

I hope yesterdays boohaha brings you exactly the career you are looking for: acting, modeling, reality TV star. I do. Go out and follow your bliss because representing California really isn't your thing, is it?

Are you really thinking of California? Nah! I think your own agenda took over right at the time you aligned yourself with a marriage protection group that had a bigger PR department than you. I think you parted ways with the state when you made the talk show rounds to further YOUR agenda, not ours!

You represent California, the state that has the highest divorce rate in the nation! How about finding a way to bring that number down as a way to protect marriage instead of aligning yourself with a group that use "marriage protection" to disguise bigotry? Nahh....finding ways to truly keep the family alive won't land you on Larry King or get you that book deal, will it?

By the way, did I hear you whining about rights yesterday? Did I misunderstand or were you "crying" about your right to free speech being violated? Hmmm..rights being violated...isn't this the topic that brought you to this career opportunity...I the first place? Apparently The Donald isn't teaching you about karma or irony, is he?

Quite honestly, I wish you would just go away and leave Californians to worry about things like wildfires destroying pristine beach areas, the budget crisis, lay offs in the largest school district in the nation and double digit unemployment. Since the odds of you disappearing are slim to none, do your fellow Californians a favour: take the reality show deal. It will give us something to take our minds off worrying about things that really matter!

Love and peace,

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