Monday, July 27, 2009

Second Chances

An American Pit Bull Terrier, one of several b...Image via Wikipedia

Michael Vick was reinstated by the NFL today. He can play games after week 6 and generally go back to the way things were before he aided in the mercenary and unmerciful activity of dog fighting.

Do I agree with the NFL? Well...I am conflicted! As you probably know, I am a major dog lover! The fact the Vick assisted in the torture and brutal murder of innocent dogs...pit bulls mostly....turns my stomach even today. The man has paid his debt to society by serving jail time and making restitution. He has lost everything! Would I like him to do more? Absolutely!! Instead of worrying about the NFL, I would like to see him work for a rescue or maybe do a PSA regarding the evils of dog fighting or maybe do something to better the image of the pit bull!

Fortuately the fate of the dogs rescued from Vick's kennel is a much happier story. Due to the efforts of wonderful organizations such as Best Friends, the dogs many thought were beyond rehab has gone on to live happy lives! Some of these dogs have gone on to be therapy dogs and two Vick dogs finished their court mandated year waiting period, passed their CGC tests and were officially adopted this week! The first of hopefully many!

So the question remains that if the dogs once thought to be mean and vicious succeed after they were given a second chance, should Vick? Should he be able to go back to the life he led before his egregious crimes? Not sure! I don't know if that is possible! There will be protests galore thrown the way of any team that picks him up! He is a PR nightmare! This story is still being written and I truly hope it has a happy outcome for all involved

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Second Chances

An American Pit Bull Terrier, one of several b...Image via Wikipedia

Michael Vick was reinstated by the NFL today. He can play games after week 6 and generally go back to the way things were before he aided in the mercenary and unmerciful activity of dog fighting.

Do I agree with the NFL? Well...I am conflicted! As you probably know, I am a major dog lover! The fact the Vick assisted in the torture and brutal murder of innocent dogs...pit bulls mostly....turns my stomach even today. The man has paid his debt to society by serving jail time and making restitution. He has lost everything! Would I like him to do more? Absolutely!! Instead of worrying about the NFL, I would like to see him work for a rescue or maybe do a PSA regarding the evils of dog fighting or maybe do something to better the image of the pit bull!

Fortuately the fate of the dogs rescued from Vick's kennel is a much happier story. Due to the efforts of wonderful organizations such as Best Friends, the dogs many thought were beyond rehab has gone on to live happy lives! Some of these dogs have gone on to be therapy dogs and two Vick dogs finished their court mandated year waiting period, passed their CGC tests and were officially adopted this week! The first of hopefully many!

So the question remains that if the dogs once thought to be mean and vicious succeed after they were given a second chance, should Vick? Should he be able to go back to the life he led before his egregious crimes? Not sure! I don't know if that is possible! There will be protests galore thrown the way of any team that picks him up! He is a PR nightmare! This story is still being written and I truly hope it has a happy outcome for all involved

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Last Week In God's Country

A week ago today, this was the view when I woke up:

Last week I woke up in Yosemite Valley to views of granite vistas, tall trees and waterfalls. This week, it's waking up to Dallas Raines telling me it's going to be 103 degrees in the Valley. Oh, joy!

Last week, I was talking to the very friendly wildlife:

This week I get to speak with wildlife of a somewhat unfriendly sort, the customer who's claim was denied.

Last week while in Yosemite, I learned that speeding kills bears:

This week, I learned speeding kills your bank account too as I work to pay off a $312speeding ticket I got while coming back from Vegas last year.

Those are just a few of the differences between last week in Yosemite and this week in the real world. The trip was amazing as was the park. Yosemite is truly God's country and I can't wait to go back!

Last Week In God's Country

A week ago today, this was the view when I woke up:

Last week I woke up in Yosemite Valley to views of granite vistas, tall trees and waterfalls. This week, it's waking up to Dallas Raines telling me it's going to be 103 degrees in the Valley. Oh, joy!

Last week, I was talking to the very friendly wildlife:

This week I get to speak with wildlife of a somewhat unfriendly sort, the customer who's claim was denied.

Last week while in Yosemite, I learned that speeding kills bears:

This week, I learned speeding kills your bank account too as I work to pay off a $312speeding ticket I got while coming back from Vegas last year.

Those are just a few of the differences between last week in Yosemite and this week in the real world. The trip was amazing as was the park. Yosemite is truly God's country and I can't wait to go back!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Little Bit Of Heaven

" A Little Bit of Heaven....94.7 KMET....Tweedle Dee"! If that just brought a smile to your face and nostalgia to your heart, you aren't alone! Yesterday, 100.3 The Sound brought that smile back to many faces as they broadcast the first "Finally A Friday" in years! It was KMET day on the station and many of the DJs from back in the day did shows, played clips from back in the day and joined us in reliving the memories of back when commercial radio was worth listening to!

For Southern California music fans, KMET was and always will symbolize the glory days of LA rock radio! The station who told us to "fly low and avoid the radar" did just that as the music was not subject to corporate whims! The cuts went deep into the albums...yes, albums...and the DJs were deep into the topical humor! The boundaries were pushed and listeners loved it! Think "WKRP In Cincinati" and I think you have the picture!

KMET was a huge part of my high school days! I discovered my love of rock music through KMET and the station was the first place I heard Journey! I remember fondly wearing my KMET shirt as all the cool kids did! KMET wasn't just a radio station, it was a state of altered state at times but it was all ours. We claimed it proudly!

I miss KMET for what it was and what it represents to me! It represents a day when things weren't corporate and overly "PC"! And for all who listened to the "Fish Report With A Beat" yesterday and were taken back to the days when radio was good, I give a shout out with the signature greeting of the "Immoral Minority"...YOOO-YA!!

A Little Bit Of Heaven

" A Little Bit of Heaven....94.7 KMET....Tweedle Dee"! If that just brought a smile to your face and nostalgia to your heart, you aren't alone! Yesterday, 100.3 The Sound brought that smile back to many faces as they broadcast the first "Finally A Friday" in years! It was KMET day on the station and many of the DJs from back in the day did shows, played clips from back in the day and joined us in reliving the memories of back when commercial radio was worth listening to!

For Southern California music fans, KMET was and always will symbolize the glory days of LA rock radio! The station who told us to "fly low and avoid the radar" did just that as the music was not subject to corporate whims! The cuts went deep into the albums...yes, albums...and the DJs were deep into the topical humor! The boundaries were pushed and listeners loved it! Think "WKRP In Cincinati" and I think you have the picture!

KMET was a huge part of my high school days! I discovered my love of rock music through KMET and the station was the first place I heard Journey! I remember fondly wearing my KMET shirt as all the cool kids did! KMET wasn't just a radio station, it was a state of altered state at times but it was all ours. We claimed it proudly!

I miss KMET for what it was and what it represents to me! It represents a day when things weren't corporate and overly "PC"! And for all who listened to the "Fish Report With A Beat" yesterday and were taken back to the days when radio was good, I give a shout out with the signature greeting of the "Immoral Minority"...YOOO-YA!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Listening and Following The Path

I am a person who likes to just dive in! I get excited about something or get an idea that I feel is worth pursuing and it's off to the races. I jump in and then think about it along the way. I have a tendency to believe in "go big or go home" but thankfully I am also a firm believer in God and the power of prayer!

This all comes into play today. I have been thinking and praying about my mid-life shift because I have been feeling overwhelmed! As is my nature, I started to embark on 3 major projects all at once and what I am finding is that I am devoting little time to any of them! 5 minutes on a dating website, 10 minutes researching career options, 4 minutes working on the blog....this is getting me nowhere but frustrated and depressed.

This morning in the shower I had what Oprah calls an "ah ha" moment but I prefer to call it a "God shot"! See, I think thoughts can often be little shout-outs from God! He often speaks to me in the shower...don't know why! Anyway, His current missive to me was that I am trying to do too much at once! He advised me to "prioritize...put the career and blog upfront and the romance will come when you aren't looking"! Wow!

I instantly felt better and hopped on line! I updated my resume and cover letter and found a very interesting opportunity I am perfect for with EBay! That got me to thinking about maybe researching jobs in technology. I love technology! My IPod and Blacberry are permanent extensions of my body! I am very active in the wave of the future, social media! I don't know what getting a high paying job in technology will involve but this may be the path I am meant to take. I know I am much more excited about this path than nursing (sorry Aunt Pat, love you but I just don't like people...LOL)! Plus, you all know I love my "geeks" and where else to find the geek of my dreams that working in the tech sector...BONUS! :)

This is exciting on many levels! See, I haven't been exactly walking with God these days but he hasn't forgotten that I am down here. God is amazing! He doesn't forget and when you take the time to ask and then, more importantly, take the time to listen, He will give you the information and guidence you need. He never fails!

This journey is a work in progress, as they all are, and I am sure this isn't the last revision. A work in progress makes for an exciting blog, right?


Listening and Following The Path

I am a person who likes to just dive in! I get excited about something or get an idea that I feel is worth pursuing and it's off to the races. I jump in and then think about it along the way. I have a tendency to believe in "go big or go home" but thankfully I am also a firm believer in God and the power of prayer!

This all comes into play today. I have been thinking and praying about my mid-life shift because I have been feeling overwhelmed! As is my nature, I started to embark on 3 major projects all at once and what I am finding is that I am devoting little time to any of them! 5 minutes on a dating website, 10 minutes researching career options, 4 minutes working on the blog....this is getting me nowhere but frustrated and depressed.

This morning in the shower I had what Oprah calls an "ah ha" moment but I prefer to call it a "God shot"! See, I think thoughts can often be little shout-outs from God! He often speaks to me in the shower...don't know why! Anyway, His current missive to me was that I am trying to do too much at once! He advised me to "prioritize...put the career and blog upfront and the romance will come when you aren't looking"! Wow!

I instantly felt better and hopped on line! I updated my resume and cover letter and found a very interesting opportunity I am perfect for with EBay! That got me to thinking about maybe researching jobs in technology. I love technology! My IPod and Blacberry are permanent extensions of my body! I am very active in the wave of the future, social media! I don't know what getting a high paying job in technology will involve but this may be the path I am meant to take. I know I am much more excited about this path than nursing (sorry Aunt Pat, love you but I just don't like people...LOL)! Plus, you all know I love my "geeks" and where else to find the geek of my dreams that working in the tech sector...BONUS! :)

This is exciting on many levels! See, I haven't been exactly walking with God these days but he hasn't forgotten that I am down here. God is amazing! He doesn't forget and when you take the time to ask and then, more importantly, take the time to listen, He will give you the information and guidence you need. He never fails!

This journey is a work in progress, as they all are, and I am sure this isn't the last revision. A work in progress makes for an exciting blog, right?


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mid Life Crisis Is Tiring!

I am getting overwhelmed with trying to figure out what I want to do with my life! I know there is a ton of money to be made in nursing but I just don't get excited thinking about doing it for the rest of my life. My heart sings when I think of working with animals but I don't know if there is money to be made, one and two, if I have the time to devote to the education. Plus of nursing: short education time-frame, making base salary of $75k a year! Minus: working with sick grumpy people, working nights, weekends and holidays which is what I am trying to avoid. I love to write but when I feel like doing it! Deadlines aren't my friend! Just ask my friend who has been waiting 2 months for her article on animal fostering!

I am at a crossroads at my life and I don't know if I will be given another chance to get this right. I'm not old but I am not young enough to have all the time in the world! I need to figure this out for once and for all. I am waiting for a sign.

Mid Life Crisis Is Tiring!

I am getting overwhelmed with trying to figure out what I want to do with my life! I know there is a ton of money to be made in nursing but I just don't get excited thinking about doing it for the rest of my life. My heart sings when I think of working with animals but I don't know if there is money to be made, one and two, if I have the time to devote to the education. Plus of nursing: short education time-frame, making base salary of $75k a year! Minus: working with sick grumpy people, working nights, weekends and holidays which is what I am trying to avoid. I love to write but when I feel like doing it! Deadlines aren't my friend! Just ask my friend who has been waiting 2 months for her article on animal fostering!

I am at a crossroads at my life and I don't know if I will be given another chance to get this right. I'm not old but I am not young enough to have all the time in the world! I need to figure this out for once and for all. I am waiting for a sign.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Maverick Not A Quitter!

I never thought in a million years I would say this but here goes: I have something in common with Sarah Palin. I don't support her politics and I think she may be opportunistic when it comes to the "selling out" of her children. We do agree on one thing: when you aren't happy with where you are in life, make a change!

I recongnize that this isn't easy! I am now just starting to search career opportunities and have actively searched on the online dating sites for the second day this week! For me, action goes a long way towards limiting fear in change! Change can sometimes be good! Besides, the fear of changing is far less for me than the fear of being 65, alone and living in a box! No room in the box for a dog so that isn't an option, no sir!

I just turned 44! I am by no means "old" but I am not getting any younger! Age is just a state of mind! My aunt graduated nursing school after her husband died and is making 6 61! My mom graduated college and became an accountant after raising 3 kids on her 45! Mid life changes can be good if they are planned and executed! I am not going to sign my life away on student loans to become a underwater basket weaver but with some thought and hard work, I just may be able to find a career I enjoy and make money! Retirement may be a possibility after all!

So hats off to sister Sarah! Go do what is you want to do and don't listen to your critics! In this instance, I truly believe you are a maverick!

A Maverick Not A Quitter!

I never thought in a million years I would say this but here goes: I have something in common with Sarah Palin. I don't support her politics and I think she may be opportunistic when it comes to the "selling out" of her children. We do agree on one thing: when you aren't happy with where you are in life, make a change!

I recongnize that this isn't easy! I am now just starting to search career opportunities and have actively searched on the online dating sites for the second day this week! For me, action goes a long way towards limiting fear in change! Change can sometimes be good! Besides, the fear of changing is far less for me than the fear of being 65, alone and living in a box! No room in the box for a dog so that isn't an option, no sir!

I just turned 44! I am by no means "old" but I am not getting any younger! Age is just a state of mind! My aunt graduated nursing school after her husband died and is making 6 61! My mom graduated college and became an accountant after raising 3 kids on her 45! Mid life changes can be good if they are planned and executed! I am not going to sign my life away on student loans to become a underwater basket weaver but with some thought and hard work, I just may be able to find a career I enjoy and make money! Retirement may be a possibility after all!

So hats off to sister Sarah! Go do what is you want to do and don't listen to your critics! In this instance, I truly believe you are a maverick!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Just Stop The Madness

One of the things that defines me is that I am a native Southern Californian. I am a flip-flop wearing, sunshine loving, beach going Angelino. I have always considered myself blessed beyond all belief to live in L.A., City Of The Angels. We have the best weather around, all the entertainment you can possibly imagine and opportunities on many levels abound. I LOVE L.A. and have always defended my city to the bitter end…….until now.


For the first time ever I am embarrassed for my beloved city, a place I love with all my heart. However, like in any relationship, sometimes there is disappointment. See, I live in a city with a school district in shambles that is in a state that is paying it's debts with Yous. And yet, someone feels it is important to spend a reported 2.5 MILLION dollars to host a memorial services for someone who many feel is a drug-addicted pedophile. Someone who made hundreds of millions of dollars and the CITY IS PAYING for this damn Michael Jackson memorial??? Police presence, trash pickup…….why are we paying for this??? Why isn't the Jackson family???


Look….I am someone who appreciates the early music just as the next guy! I have "Dancing Machine" and "Shake Your Body" on my Ipod. But does musical genius wrapped in a very troubled life deserve my tax dollars over students whose school district can't afford books or air? Absolutely not!  


I can't believe I am saying this but can we just go back to the crazy media coverage of horny politicians!

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Just Stop The Madness

One of the things that defines me is that I am a native Southern Californian. I am a flip-flop wearing, sunshine loving, beach going Angelino. I have always considered myself blessed beyond all belief to live in L.A., City Of The Angels. We have the best weather around, all the entertainment you can possibly imagine and opportunities on many levels abound. I LOVE L.A. and have always defended my city to the bitter end…….until now.
For the first time ever I am embarrassed for my beloved city, a place I love with all my heart. However, like in any relationship, sometimes there is disappointment. See, I live in a city with a school district in shambles that is in a state that is paying it's debts with Yous. And yet, someone feels it is important to spend a reported 2.5 MILLION dollars to host a memorial services for someone who many feel is a drug-addicted pedophile. Someone who made hundreds of millions of dollars and the CITY IS PAYING for this damn Michael Jackson memorial??? Police presence, trash pickup…….why are we paying for this??? Why isn't the Jackson family???
Look….I am someone who appreciates the early music just as the next guy! I have "Dancing Machine" and "Shake Your Body" on my Ipod. But does musical genius wrapped in a very troubled life deserve my tax dollars over students whose school district can't afford books or air? Absolutely not!  
I can't believe I am saying this but can we just go back to the crazy media coverage of horny politicians!
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Saturday, July 4, 2009

God Bless America

My thoughts these days are about reinventing myself! I am going to take the second half of my life and be something spectacular! The only limitations are those I put on myself, not ones put on me by any man or government!

I thank God that he gave me the blessing of being born an American

Women in other countries are lower than 2nd class citizens but not in America! Women such as Cady Stanton, Susan B Anthony. And Gloria Steinem made it possible for American women to vote, hold down a job, be responsible for their own lives! Today we have Hillary Clinton blazing a trail for the 1st woman president and working mom Michelle Obama is serving as the most progressive First Lady yet!

On this 4th of July, I would like to take a break and remember the efforts of the women who make it possible for this 44 year old to dream about doing whatever it is she wants! I stand on the shoulders of the wonderful women who blazed a trail before me and I am grateful.

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God Bless America

My thoughts these days are about reinventing myself! I am going to take the second half of my life and be something spectacular! The only limitations are those I put on myself, not ones put on me by any man or government!

I thank God that he gave me the blessing of being born an American
Women in other countries are lower than 2nd class citizens but not in America! Women such as Cady Stanton, Susan B Anthony. And Gloria Steinem made it possible for American women to vote, hold down a job, be responsible for their own lives! Today we have Hillary Clinton blazing a trail for the 1st woman president and working mom Michelle Obama is serving as the most progressive First Lady yet!

On this 4th of July, I would like to take a break and remember the efforts of the women who make it possible for this 44 year old to dream about doing whatever it is she wants! I stand on the shoulders of the wonderful women who blazed a trail before me and I am grateful.
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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Change I Can Believe In

It is official: I am at the beginning of a mid life crisis. 44….single….sharing a house…no man…starting over at an entry level job that pays little money, working with 23 year olds who know it all….yep, it's a crisis. This is why I am going to take the next 365 days and improve 3 major areas in my life: career/finances, romance and health/fitness. I want to have my career going, a man who loves me and a bigger bank account by July of next year!  Sweeping changes need to be made so that 20 years from now I am not sitting in a box under a freeway wondering where it all went wrong!


I can't be the only 40+ woman out there facing mid-life and wondering what the hell I am doing! Newly single, still single, I am sure there are many women, or men for that matter, making changes mid life! That is where this blog comes in! This will be easier and more interesting if we all share in the journey. One of the things I love to do is write so I'll start the dialogue! No holds barred, everything is game!


First steps:


Career/Finances: I am going to figure out what I want to do and how to do it. Research online, speak w/people, get educated.


Romance: I am going to make it a goal to connect with one man a week. Online dating is a start!


Health/Fitness: I started Weight Watchers this week and my 1st goal is to write down all I eat.


There is something comforting about taking stock of your life and then seeing the road stretching out before you. I figure looking at the life ahead of me is only scary if I don't do anything. I am usually great with the plan, not so good with the follow-up but I am using the blog to keep me accountable!


Living a quality life, the life you are meant to live.  Oprah calls it "living your best life".  I call it change I can believe in!  Who's with me?

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Change I Can Believe In

It is official: I am at the beginning of a mid life crisis. 44….single….sharing a house…no man…starting over at an entry level job that pays little money, working with 23 year olds who know it all….yep, it's a crisis. This is why I am going to take the next 365 days and improve 3 major areas in my life: career/finances, romance and health/fitness. I want to have my career going, a man who loves me and a bigger bank account by July of next year!  Sweeping changes need to be made so that 20 years from now I am not sitting in a box under a freeway wondering where it all went wrong!
I can't be the only 40+ woman out there facing mid-life and wondering what the hell I am doing! Newly single, still single, I am sure there are many women, or men for that matter, making changes mid life! That is where this blog comes in! This will be easier and more interesting if we all share in the journey. One of the things I love to do is write so I'll start the dialogue! No holds barred, everything is game!
First steps:
Career/Finances: I am going to figure out what I want to do and how to do it. Research online, speak w/people, get educated.
Romance: I am going to make it a goal to connect with one man a week. Online dating is a start!
Health/Fitness: I started Weight Watchers this week and my 1st goal is to write down all I eat.
There is something comforting about taking stock of your life and then seeing the road stretching out before you. I figure looking at the life ahead of me is only scary if I don't do anything. I am usually great with the plan, not so good with the follow-up but I am using the blog to keep me accountable!
Living a quality life, the life you are meant to live.  Oprah calls it "living your best life".  I call it change I can believe in!  Who's with me?
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

View From Mid-Life

I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. The problem is that I AM grown up and still don't know for sure what I want to do.


Here is what I know I love:


Well-written Television





Pop Culture





Hmmm…..not a lot of money making interests there. Maybe I can write a TV show about a guitar playing dog who Tweets about running for office?


I am slowly and sadly coming to the realisation that my opportunities to follow my bliss are over. I will never win American Idol, write a speech for Obama or marry Jon Bon Jovi. Maybe the goal needs to be to make as much money as humanly possible so I can retire at 65 and buy that ranch for homeless dogs like I want. It is with that in mind that I am pondering the idea of becoming a nurse. I can be educated and licensed in 3-4 years and have a career before I'm 50. That gives me 15-17 years to make a ton of money in a career that is recession proof.


Like my aunt pointed out, I have worked the past 20 years in jobs that I didn't like for no money. If I don't like nursing, at least I can be in it for the cash. It's a thought.

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View From Mid-Life

I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. The problem is that I AM grown up and still don't know for sure what I want to do.
Here is what I know I love:
Well-written Television
Pop Culture
Hmmm…..not a lot of money making interests there. Maybe I can write a TV show about a guitar playing dog who Tweets about running for office?
I am slowly and sadly coming to the realisation that my opportunities to follow my bliss are over. I will never win American Idol, write a speech for Obama or marry Jon Bon Jovi. Maybe the goal needs to be to make as much money as humanly possible so I can retire at 65 and buy that ranch for homeless dogs like I want. It is with that in mind that I am pondering the idea of becoming a nurse. I can be educated and licensed in 3-4 years and have a career before I'm 50. That gives me 15-17 years to make a ton of money in a career that is recession proof.
Like my aunt pointed out, I have worked the past 20 years in jobs that I didn't like for no money. If I don't like nursing, at least I can be in it for the cash. It's a thought.
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