Saturday, May 2, 2009

In Repair

I am at the laundry for the first time in 8 years because the dryer is broken. While sitting there watching my underwear going around it occurred to me that the dryer isn't the first or last thing in our house in need of repair.

Its funny...when I moved in 8 years ago, I was the one in need of repair. My family had left for Arizona and didn't want me to go. At 345 pounds I was a physical and emotional wreck. I was a broken down human being.

Enter Val, the human repair woman. A human with a bigger heart is hard to find. I moved in with her and others in need of repair: son-in-law, daughter, 3 grand kids and two 4-month old Rottweiler puppies. We became the extended family we all needed.

The puppies and I flourished and became life long pals. Through gastric by-pass I lost 100 pounds, through our giving into their sweet faces and begging eyes, the puppies grew and ultimately found a 100 pounds. Nothing grew as fast as our bond as I came to love them like I never knew I could love!

Its unconditional love that healed this broken human, love from both Val and the puppies. Unfortunately, some things can't be fixed and the son-in law became an ex and everyone moved on and out. I stayed. Val, Beanie, Thor and I became a family with all the ups and downs that come with that title.

We are now in a down period. Val and I argue more and I am wondering if she is in need of the love repair she so freely gives everyone else. My first response is to say F-off but I think I am going to surround her with the love she surrounded me with 8 years ago and continues to surround me with today. She is dealing with a friend with cancer and family members in various states of crisis. Its my turn to be the repair woman for her.

When I first started this post I was pondering if a move is in order but I now know that is the last thing I want. I want my friend Val to know I love her and will be here for her. She deserves that and more.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Colleen said...

Wow! What a topic! What incredible insight! You are very evolved to realize the needs of Val. There are few people who can step back and look at the situation in the present time. I do post mortem on events, it's much more difficult to be in the moment and not have my ego in the way. You are truly a good person. Hang in there.