Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Best Thing About The Truth

Selena and I both love to write. The thing is I need to be motivated because I just put off writing. I don't know why but I do. So Selena and I challenge each other to write a blog every day. I was able to do it for a month or so. Lately, not so much.

This weekend I was able to come to a hard truth about this endeavor. My road to this truth actually started with a lie. "Don't tell anyone and i'll just backdate it", I said to Shannon at 12:04 AM this morning. What we were keeping secret is that once again I put off writing my blog so long that something eventually came up and I forgot.

The frustrating truth is that I knew this would happen. It could have been avoided. I was the passenger in a car on an hour-long car ride. Shannon and I were coming back from Santa Barbara and I had nothing to do but write the blog on my Blackberry and send it. I told myself I should write it, that I would forget. This was at 9:30 PM. Did I do it? No because I told myself I would have time when I got home. Then Shannon and I ended up at Oh Grady's and the blog was forgotten. Until 12:04. Until it was too late.

This error led me to several truths about the blog a day challenge:

1) I am not disciplined enough to write every day
2) I write better when I write when inspired, not when I have to
3) I am more likely to stick with writing 2-3 times a week
4) Selena is an awesome blogger

So there it is. I am just not cut out to write a blog a day. I am not sure I even want to. I will commit to keeping my blog current by writing no less than twice a week, more if time permits. I like writing, I have been told I am good at it. The one thing I haven't been good at is discipline.

The best thing about the truth is that it sets you free. Freedom from pressure to write is what came with looking at myself and discovering that I like to write and write well when not pressured. Whew!


Selena said...

I guess that is one way to look at it. Might I also suggest that if you want to be a writer, developing a daily writing habit is key. Yes, you find it difficult, but perhaps facing this difficulty head on will help you develop the discipline you seek. Having discipline is a habit that you can apply to so many aspects of your life...

Nothing worth having is ever easy ... this is not easy for me! But forcig myself to write every day has now become a habit. At first it was a chore, but now I feel bad if I miss a day.

Don't give up! You can be an awesome blogger too! All you have to do is commit to writing.