Monday, January 4, 2010

Best Thing About My Job


Ah, Open Enrollment. It is the time of year that most employer groups renew their benefit plans. In health insurance, it is the craziest time of the year to be on the phone. People with new benefits either want to know what those benefits are or why they are having trouble accessing them. Providers want to know why claims haven’t paid or why they paid little as they did. People pissed, whining, all around unhappy.  The time of year I have dreaded since Christmas.


This year it will be different. I have a years experience under my belt. I know that claims are denied because the provider coded a routine baby checkup on a 24 year old. I know that orthotics are generally covered, Viagra is not. I know that I am very blessed to have a job.


The best thing about my job is that it is temporary. I don’t like it and can barely tolerate it. But I am grateful for what it provides. It provides me a means to an end. It provides the money I need to go to school, get my degree and go on to bigger and better things. Not soon enough, however, but it will happen eventually. That is the thought that gets me through open enrollment.