Wednesday, November 4, 2009

People: A Necessary Component To The Nursing Profession

It has been said....mainly by me...that I don't like people! What's to like? People abuse defenseless animals, abandon kids, act horribly towards each other and that is what you hear about on a GOOD news day! Look no further than at what the health care debate has turned into: hate and fear mongering! Makes me wish I was a dog!


I might be turning a corner though and coming back around to appreciating my species. I was enlightened today at, of all places, work. Today was one of those days I hate, all claims calls, all whiners, no one was happy…most of all, me! At about 6PM, my co-worker told me to take a deep breath and to remember that we don’t know what is happening on the other side of that phone. It could be illness, unemployment or sometimes both! We must be outside of ourselves and think about the other person!


It was then that I realized what I don’t like about customer service is that we are just the bearers of the bad news. We can’t control what is happening as there are procedures in place. We exist only to tell people what those procedures are! In nursing, I will actively be able to make a difference in people’s lives, not assist some huge corporation in screwing them.  



All of sudden, my future became clear. I have been nervous about going into nursing for the very fact that I just have no patience with crabby, stupid people! I am looking forward to the science medicine aspect just not the bitchy family members! Taking me out of my shoes to walk in theirs makes sense! The people are still going to be crabby but in the hospital they have reason to be! I think I am much more capable of handling the crabby cancer patient than the guy bitching about paying $25 for his $200,000.00 open heart surgery! I will be armed with the skills necessary to handle those family members with the skills I am learning as a Customer Service person.


I’m thinking I just might learn to like people again. We will see.