Thursday, July 2, 2009

Change I Can Believe In

It is official: I am at the beginning of a mid life crisis. 44….single….sharing a house…no man…starting over at an entry level job that pays little money, working with 23 year olds who know it all….yep, it's a crisis. This is why I am going to take the next 365 days and improve 3 major areas in my life: career/finances, romance and health/fitness. I want to have my career going, a man who loves me and a bigger bank account by July of next year!  Sweeping changes need to be made so that 20 years from now I am not sitting in a box under a freeway wondering where it all went wrong!
I can't be the only 40+ woman out there facing mid-life and wondering what the hell I am doing! Newly single, still single, I am sure there are many women, or men for that matter, making changes mid life! That is where this blog comes in! This will be easier and more interesting if we all share in the journey. One of the things I love to do is write so I'll start the dialogue! No holds barred, everything is game!
First steps:
Career/Finances: I am going to figure out what I want to do and how to do it. Research online, speak w/people, get educated.
Romance: I am going to make it a goal to connect with one man a week. Online dating is a start!
Health/Fitness: I started Weight Watchers this week and my 1st goal is to write down all I eat.
There is something comforting about taking stock of your life and then seeing the road stretching out before you. I figure looking at the life ahead of me is only scary if I don't do anything. I am usually great with the plan, not so good with the follow-up but I am using the blog to keep me accountable!
Living a quality life, the life you are meant to live.  Oprah calls it "living your best life".  I call it change I can believe in!  Who's with me?
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Unknown said...

I'm with you sister...and on the same path! Here's to being all that we can be...accomplishing all that we truly can...and not settling for anything but the best.