I woke up today to start the day with an outpouring of love like many of my friends did. I was greeted by a "knock" at my door (actually a scratch) which was followed by an outpouring of "kisses" (actually licks). There is no doubt in my mind that this love is unconditional and given freely without any expectation in return. Its not given because Hallmark says it should be. In fact, it is given every time I walk through the door and every time I ask for it. It is often given when I don't ask for but need it more than anything. I give him all the love I have in the world and would give more if humanly possible. Should this love be viewed as any different because it comes from my amazing Rottweiler, Thor and not from a spouse or boyfriend?
It is so easy for a single person to view Valentine's Day with bitterness, scorn, unhappiness. It is common for us singles to look down on the day as a overly commercial "Hallmark" holiday. I have been there many ...most....years and started down that road to cynicisim this year. However, in keeping with my new found positive outlook, I decided this year to not dwell on what I don't have, but what I do. Yes, I don't have a boyfriend but that doesn't mean I am not surrounded by love!
I have two dogs that love me more that anything except empty water bottles and trash digging! I have amazing friends that love me in spite of all they know about me! So I don't have a boyfriend....right now! I am choosing today to celebrate the possiblity of love and the fact that it is all around even us single people. We just need to get out of the rut of being jaded and bitter and open our eyes to it in all it's forms. That way, when the right guy comes along, we will know it. I am sure in my case he will be walking a dog while listening to Bon Jovi on his Ipod and drinking a latte. A girl can dream, can't she?
Saying Goodbye to My Chronic Friend Laurie from Hibernationnow
Laurie heading to her next destination. It's been a little over a month
since my friend Laurie passed away from acute interstitial pneumonitis, a
form o...
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