I am the world's worst procrastinator! I know it! I am sitting here on my bed with the XM 70's Soul station on, blogging while my world goes to heck in a hand basket! It's the morning after I woke up at 3AM realizing that my life is dwindling away and I haven't accomplished anything! Oh, sure...I am having a great time but I don't have the career I want, don't have a relationship...don't have much outside of the love of some awesome friends! I can't procrastinate while wallowing in denial anymore!
Today I am going to do 3 things: I am going to go to the gym before work and ride the bike for 20 mins (while reading "The Secret"), develop a budget and review my resume. Tomorrow I am going to take that resume and send it online to every entertainment job I can find that I am even remotely qualified for. I am going to sign up for the job search functions on every studio website in town and soon, I am going to have my job in entertainment while I am out of debt and on my way to my goal weight! Better yet, I AM going to have that job at either Warner Bros Records or Universal Music Group! Why not go for the dream job?! After that I am going to start on my novel, the one I have been procrastinating writing my whole life and actively post on that online dating site!
I can't be a overweight customer service rep who's financially inept the rest of my life. I know I am cut out for more. I just have to quit being afraid of success and let it make it happen. That starts today.
Yahoo! I finally finished my resume and I'm going to send it off to Warner Bros. in answer to the perfect job posting! All I know is that I can hardly stand my job! What makes people think that because I work for the company they aren't happy with they can treat me like crap? I am sure these are perfectly respectable humans who aren't happy that their 16 year old caused their auto insurance to skyrocket! Fact of the matter is I don't give a shit and I am doing something about it! So I am sending the resume off and hopefully when I get back from camping/Newport Jazz Fest I will be on my way to a new job! One that doesn't require me being abused by my fellow man...or woman!
There has been a book out for a few months called "The Secret". It took the wisdom of Norman Vincent Peal and the marketing power of Oprah and became a phenomenon. What it is in a nutshell is the power of positive thinking. What you think comes back to you.
I'll admit I have had the book for months and haven't given it more than a passing flip through. It just seemed to require more effort than I was willing to put into figuring it all out. But something must have sinked into my subconsciousness while flipping pages in that book. I started telling myself on the way to work that the day was going to go by quick, the customers were going to be nice, it wasn't going to be busy and you know what? All those things happened!
So I tried this concept on a slightly bigger scale. I told myself and the universe that I would have a job like the one I had at HealthNet and I would have it by Labor Day. I posted my resume on Monster and answered ads entertainment and non-entertainment alike. Within a week and a half I had my first interview and when walking out of that office, I said "this job is mine". Five hours later, I had a offer.
I am now the Liscense Administrator for DTS, Digital Entertainment. It is a job very simular to the one I had at HealthNet. Pay is slightly higher and the benefits are wonderful. Even more wonderful is I start next Tuesday, the day after Labor Day, something I also threw out to the universe. With the last day of my work week at 21st being on Wednesday, I knew I could get a 5 day holiday weekend if I asked to start 9/4! SCORE!
"The Secret". I have the book in my bag and I am actually going to read it! This thing really works! Next stop, MegaMillions!
Saying Goodbye to My Chronic Friend Laurie from Hibernationnow
Laurie heading to her next destination. It's been a little over a month
since my friend Laurie passed away from acute interstitial pneumonitis, a
form o...
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