Tuesday, March 1, 2005


Wow! As of today, I have exactly two weeks until my surgery! I am getting excited! I started a collage of things I want to be/do after my surgery! My first thing was a picture of a gourgous size 10 outfit from Mosichino----$985!!! Much cheaper is my picture of someone surfing a wave in Hawaii! I need to find a picture of people hiking in Yosemite!

My Mom is being so awesome! So is everyone! My roommate Val, my best friends Terri and Shan, and my wonderful, loving and most awesome church family!!!! God has blessed me with love and friendship to the depths of which I never could imagine but always hoped I would have!! I could have never thought about doing this without each person who blesses and enriches my life! You are all amazing!



Anonymous said...

Hi, I am new to blogs and don't know how I got yours to come up. But what an amazing thing. I had WLS on May 2004. I am also using a blog to keep my journey documented, but I am keeping mine private. I am from NY and loving my newfound health and energy. Hope all is still going well with you.