Monday, August 16, 2004

A Lesson In Patience

God is so awesome! I thought He was using this weight loss surgery as way for me to get healthy. And I still believe this is true. However, being the supreme multi-tasker that he is, I also believe he is using it to a lesson I have still yet to learn. Patience is a virtue!

Patience for me just doesn't exsist! I have very little. I want it all and NOW! Especially in this case! See, I was hoping that since the other two referrals came through quickly that this one to UCLA would as well. However, it has been over a week since I last heard from them. They directed me to the web where I downloaded a 10 questionaire. They use this to determine eligibility for the surgery. I faxed it to them on 8/5 and now I wait!

I am not wasting the time! I am researching on the net, talking to people and going to seminars to find out all I can about the surgery, its risks and its sucesses! I am using the time to keep praying that this is Gods will, not mine! I am also using this time to think back on how I got to this point! I'll write more about that tomorrow but the point is that I am actually grateful to have this time.

A very wise and wonderful friend once told me that "Gods timing is perfect". It is! I cling to those words all the time as I struggle with patience. I know that when I am ready mentally and physically to have this surgery, God will open the doors. Until then, I keep waiting and researching!

To be continued.........

The future healthy me :)