Monday, December 24, 2007

Crazy Dog Lady?

Am I turning into one of those stereotypical single women who hide behind the love of animals instead of getting out there and risking the hurt and rejection of men? I pondered this possibility while spending my Christmas Eve shovling dog poop out of kennels! Don't get me wrong! I really love working with the animals and cleaning kennels is just part of the job! But do I love them too much? Am I hiding behind the unconditional love of my dogs?

I bought few presents this year. I am working two jobs to get out of debt and I am not going to jepordize that by buying gifts out of a feeling of obligation. I did however, fill stockings and buy gifts for my dogs! I got extreme joy of watching them tear paper off the box of dog bones I bought AND WRAPPED for them! My heart soared when they licked my face in appreciation for the stockings stuffed with toys, empty water bottles, balls of paper, bones....all their favorite things!

Its crazy, I know, to treat dogs like they are your children. But if anything good comes out of my job at PetSmart (other than the paycheck) it will be the verification that I am by far not the only person that does this. We have dogs checking in with bottles of Evian and more swag than I have seen any toddler have! I just need to make sure that I will eventually spend Christmas with beings that are human. They just need to love my boys as much I do

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What's The Deal With Spin Class??

Two things I need to make clear before I start this: 1) I am not a genius...shocking as that might be and 2) I love to bike ride. I have been known to drive down to Hermosa, rent a bike and ride from Hermosa to Dockweiler to Redondo and back to Hermosa....about 17 miles round trip!
It was with that last fact in mind that I thought I would try a spin class at my new gym. The website says that spin class takes the outside bicycling experience and brings it inside! Perfect! I knew it would be missing the beauty of the beach, the salt air, cool breezes and shirtless hardbodies playing vollyball but I figured it was right up my alley! A workout that I could get behind and not dread!

My hopes were dashed when I walked into the class 5 minutes late and hopped on a bike! I planned to talk to the instructor to get a feel of what goes on in a spin class but a last minute meeting with my boss eliminated that possibility. So there I was on the bike and ready to go. Imagine my surprize when I couldn't even move the pedals! this what spin class is all about?? Everyone around me was moving....what was going on? I stood up and mustered every ounce of strength I had to move those pedals. JT was singing that he was bringing sexy back in the background and this must be how it did it! Rock hard abs come from spin class! Wahooo....abs here I come.

But after what seemed like an hour but must have been 30 seconds my knees burned so bad I thought they were going to pop out of their socket. Forget abs or bringing sexy back! This wasn't like my experience in the South Bay, this was torture. I got off the bike and went to a regular bike and spinned on my own for a half hour.

This is where the " I am not a genius" part comes in. On the way home I was talking to my friend Selena and she mentioned that I probably just had a bike wheresomeone ratcheted up the tension to about 50! I didn't know in spin class you could adjust it! DUH!

I am going to try spin class again....someday.........soon! JT needs someone to help him bring sexy back and it might as well be me!

Friday, December 7, 2007

You Say Bitch Like It's A Bad Thing

How funny is it that for the first time in the many times i've been called a bitch I'm actually excited about claiming the title. That is because it was given to me by the awesome Dave Grohl, member of one of my fave bands, The Foo Fighters!

I went to Paladino's last night to see my friends in Lights play a set that was great dispite tech problems. I heard rumblings that Dave was in the house but didn't see him. Shan and I walk outside to leave and who is standing there talking to Casey (from Lights)? Dave Grohl! I politely wait for a break and say hi to Dave and tell him how great the Foo's were opening for the Police this summer at Dodger Stadium! He was nice, said thank you. I then turn to Casey, jokingly, and said " guys aren't that bad either". Dave busts up laughing and says "This one's a bitch....what a bitch"! The whole crowd there was laughing. I told Dave "nah....Casey knows I love `em" (which I do...Lights are AWESOME).

So that's my latest celebrity sighting. At a whole in the wall like Paladinos! Man, I love LA!!!